I believe that in order to feel truly fulfilled, we should live life for ourselves. We should set our own standards that define the kind of life we want to live. Live it in all its colours, authentically and freely to be who we truly are, because that's what makes us special and different from others. We often think we should be different from the way we are, but being ourselves is precisely what makes us unique.
I believe each of us has a certain potential and an intuition that can guide us to find it, we just need to learn how to listen to the right voice within us.
In my practice, I would like to help you to reflect and discover what really makes you happy, what you enjoy and what passion moves you on your deepest level. I know how much these realisations have enriched my life and I believe that there is more to life than what society teaches us. We are not all the same - and that is a good thing - each of us has our own unique path, and my role is to help you find yours.
If you want to explore your inner world, increase your level of awareness, and live a better and more fulfilling life, this is the place for you.
Psychological counselling | Career coaching | Training and workshops | Group work | Radio show

About me
Lana Gjurić
There are three things that I'm really passionate about – music, dance and psychology. I’ve always led a dynamic and varied lifestyle, but dance and music move me from the inside and allow me to connect to myself the most. I am also moved by human contact and connection as well as deep and meaningful conversations about what's happening inside of us. Vulnerability, authenticity, freedom, open communication, feelings, and personal growth and development are the core concepts and values in my life. I believe that taking care of ourselves and our emotions, as well as self-compassion and self-love, are the prerequisites for a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

How can I help you

Personal growth and
Psychological counselling
Gestalt psychotherapy under supervision

Career change
Career Coaching

Training and
Mental health, emotions, group
work, dance, resilience, burnout, career change, music, communication and social skills, relationships,
parenting, anxiety, trauma, crisis, etc.